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20 results found
  • An IDESS is an approved structure that offers local services (small DIY jobs, gardening) and services intended for at-risk individuals (social taxi, laundry and retail services) to individuals living…
  • At least one year before the end of the concession or its renewal, the mayor or their delegate or the competent authority for the autonomous municipal government prepares a document that reminds the…
  • Are you a non-profit organisation or a company wanting to exploit mine gas in order to convert it into electricity, for example? In Wallonia, it is the SPW Agriculture, Natural Resources and…
  • This provision aims to provide financial support to social-economy companies that operate in the property sector, with the aim of acquiring buildings with a view to renovating or transforming them,…
  • The deceased may choose one of the following options: Burial of the remains in a vault (with the granting of a concession) or in the ground (with or without a concession); Cremation, followed by…
  • In Wallonia, the quantity of Potentially Leachable Nitrogen (PLN) in our soils is tested each year by a thousand farmers. You need to be a laboratory approved by the Walloon administration to…