The prior request for the granting of green certificates and labels guaranteeing origin pertain to power-generation units with power less than, or equal to, 10 kW, in the following green-electricity-producing sectors:
- wind
- hydroelectric
- fossil micro-generation or biomass
- solar that is not connected to the network
The acceptance letter then informs the producer that he can benefit from the granting, in intangible form, of green certificates and, where applicable, labels guaranteeing origin for a period of 15 years from the initial reading of the meters by the approved body.
To download
- Prior request for the granting of green certificates and guarantee of origin labels (power < 10 kW) - wind and hydroelectricity
- Prior request for the granting of green certificates and guarantee of origin labels (power < 10 kW) - micro-generation
- Prior request for the granting of green certificates and guarantee of origin labels (power < 10 kW) - PV not connected to the network
Useful documents
- Procédures et code de comptage de l'électricité produite à partir de sources d'énergie renouvelables et/ou de congénération (only available in French)
- Manuel de l'utilisateur de l'application de gestion des certificats verts et labels de garantie d'origine (à destination des producteurs > 10 kW) (only available in French)
- Production d'électricité verte - Relever les index d'une micro-cogénération (only available in French)
Soutien aux énergies renouvelables
Rue des Brigades d'Irlande, 1
5100 JAMBES (Namur)
Updated on
Process n° : 2948
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