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17 results found
  • Do you want to organise an activity that involves temporarily marking out a route in the Walloon forest? As a sports club, school or association, your walk, jog, bike or mountain bike event cannot…
  • This provision aims to provide financial support to social-economy companies that operate in the property sector, with the aim of acquiring buildings with a view to renovating or transforming them,…
  • The deceased may choose one of the following options: Burial of the remains in a vault (with the granting of a concession) or in the ground (with or without a concession); Cremation, followed by…
  • Do you operate or own a big game farm in Wallonia? Do you produce big game meat? Do you own a wildlife park open to the public? For live farm livestock belonging to the big game category you must…
  • The legislation applies to tanks with a capacity equal to, or greater than, 3,000 litres, comprising one or more reservoirs, whether overground (i.e. in the garden, cellar or in an uncovered pit) or…
  • The theory test assesses your knowledge of the highway code and your ability to perceive hazards. During the test, you will be asked 50 multiple-choice questions concerning the following : - road…