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20 results found
  • Tax on sites for which economic activity has been abandoned (abbreviation: T.S.A.E.D.) aims to tackle sites that constitute visual pollution. Its aim is to help eradicate industrial wastelands or…
  • Are you a construction company or a farmer? Register as a waste recovery company. The benefit? Registration allows you to avoid applying for an environmental permit. Registration is in fact…
  • Are you a forest owner in Wallonia? As a public or private owner, you can have your forest certified, irrespective of the surface area of your property.  More than half of Wallonia’s…
  • Does a soil management expert ask you to collect soil or groundwater samples for a soil survey? Have you been asked by an Expert or an Authorised Installation (AI) for soil storage or processing to…
  • Tax on automatic entertainment machines (abbreviation: T.A.A.D.) is an annual tax for all automatic machines that are installed in a publicly accessible location and intended for entertainment. The…
  • Are you a conventional production company? As part of your manufacturing process, are you aware that you may obtain residue that you can recycle? You can seek recognition or registration (if…