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19 results found
  • Do you want to organise an activity that involves temporarily marking out a route in the Walloon forest? As a sports club, school or association, your walk, jog, bike or mountain bike event cannot…
  • You are a company (natural or legal person); Your company owns, or is creating, a business unit in Wallonia; You want to receive an investment allowance. => You must obtain a valid "Company…
  • Are you a forest owner in Wallonia? As a public or private owner, you can have your forest certified, irrespective of the surface area of your property.  More than half of Wallonia’s…
  • “Company-creation” cheques aim to help the recipient to create a company. This support may involve training and support, but also consultancy during the creation phase and, once the company has been…
  • Are you a manufacturer, a farmer or a painting company? Your professional activities undoubtedly generate hazardous waste.  In Wallonia, any company that generates hazardous waste in the course…
  • Would you like to market products as organic?  In Wallonia, there are several preliminary steps to follow:  Register your company with Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) Draw up an…