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12 results found
  • You want to dispute the payment notice that you have received for road tax, vehicle-registration tax or the eco-penalty, as well as the fine charged for the mileage tax.
  • Like the traditional economy, the social economy aims to develop economic activities that produce goods or services. However, it is different from the traditional economy in that its purpose lies in…
  • Annual road tax is charged for vehicles that are used to transport passengers or goods by road. The tax is calculated based on engine power, which is expressed as horsepower, the number of engine…
  • The legislation applies to tanks with a capacity equal to, or greater than, 3,000 litres, comprising one or more reservoirs, whether overground (i.e. in the garden, cellar or in an uncovered pit) or…
  • Tax on sites for which economic activity has been abandoned (abbreviation: T.S.A.E.D.) aims to tackle sites that constitute visual pollution. Its aim is to help eradicate industrial wastelands or…
  • Tax on non-household waste aims to reduce waste production and encourage the use of processing methods that are better for the environment, by introducing tax incentives with sliding scales of…