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8 results found
  • You want to dispute the payment notice that you have received for road tax, vehicle-registration tax or the eco-penalty, as well as the fine charged for the mileage tax.
  • If you are experiencing difficulties paying the tax for which you are liable, you may ask the competent recipient for concessions with payment; this is the only party who is authorised to grant a…
  • Annual road tax is charged for vehicles that are used to transport passengers or goods by road. The tax is calculated based on engine power, which is expressed as horsepower, the number of engine…
  • Registration tax (TMC) is due for vehicles that are put into use in Belgium. It may be increased by an eco surcharge, depending on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle. This tax must be paid once by…
  • The eco surcharge is a component of the registration tax, which is calculated based on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle. It is payable once, when registering a new or second-hand vehicle that emits…
  • The mileage tax (PKM) is a fee paid per kilometre driven. It concerns motor vehicles (lorries) or articulated vehicles (lorries with trailers or tractors with semi-trailers) that are intended or used…