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8 results found
  • Tax on automatic entertainment machines (abbreviation: T.A.A.D.) is an annual tax for all automatic machines that are installed in a publicly accessible location and intended for entertainment. The…
  • Tax on non-household waste aims to reduce waste production and encourage the use of processing methods that are better for the environment, by introducing tax incentives with sliding scales of…
  • At least one year before the end of the concession or its renewal, the mayor or their delegate or the competent authority for the autonomous municipal government prepares a document that reminds the…
  • The automated-machine tax is a fixed annual tax that covers the following automated machines: - automated teller machines that are accessible to the public; - automated kiosks, that is, computer…
  • The deceased may choose one of the following options: Burial of the remains in a vault (with the granting of a concession) or in the ground (with or without a concession); Cremation, followed by…
  • In principle, the tax on games and gambling applies to all types of games and gambling, that is, transactions where participants bet a sum of money, at the risk of losing it, in a hopes of…