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21 results found
  • The electronic card is a residence permit attesting to the legality of your stay in Belgium and is valid in Belgium and at the borders. It must always be accompanied by an identity document and/or a…
  • Each time an election is held, the Walloon Region updates its election website, where you can find all the information you need on the subject. There are several categories of voters: Belgians in…
  • At least one year before the end of the concession or its renewal, the mayor or their delegate or the competent authority for the autonomous municipal government prepares a document that reminds the…
  • You have the option to lodge an appeal (via the form below) against a decision made by a training provider in relation to a procedure refusing, suspending or withdrawing the approval of a company.
  • The theory test assesses your knowledge of the highway code and your ability to perceive hazards. During the test, you will be asked 50 multiple-choice questions concerning the following : - road…
  • A certificate of good character (criminal record extract 596.1.8) is issued to any person wishing to own or work in an establishment that serves beverages (catering, snack bar, etc.), whether…