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13 results found
  • The purpose of this certificate is to prove the hygiene status of your establishment. The FASFC (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) monitors food safety. The agency issues…
  • Tax on automatic entertainment machines (abbreviation: T.A.A.D.) is an annual tax for all automatic machines that are installed in a publicly accessible location and intended for entertainment. The…
  • Would you like to market products as organic?  In Wallonia, there are several preliminary steps to follow:  Register your company with Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) Draw up an…
  • The Walloon region is authorised to collect road tax, which is due for all steam or motor vehicles and their trailers. In terms of tax, these vehicles are divided into two main categories: “automatic…
  • Annual road tax is charged for vehicles that are used to transport passengers or goods by road. The tax is calculated based on engine power, which is expressed as horsepower, the number of engine…
  • Do you manage a wastewater treatment plant and want to recycle the sludge that comes from it? Do you manage a post-treatment and dewatering centre for sludge from various wastewater treatment plants…