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10 results found
  • Tax on non-household waste aims to reduce waste production and encourage the use of processing methods that are better for the environment, by introducing tax incentives with sliding scales of…
  • In Wallonia, certain businesses can help employers to find the right candidate for a position and help job-seekers to access the labour market. They must obtain official authorisation in order to do…
  • Do you want to reduce the cost of your organisation's energy bills? As a company, are you trying to reduce your negative impacts on the environment and improve your environmental performance on an…
  • Registration tax is a one-off tax that is due at the time of first using the vehicle on public roads in Belgium, while road tax is an annual tax that is due for vehicles that are used to…
  • Are you a forest owner in Wallonia? As a public or private owner, you can have your forest certified, irrespective of the surface area of your property.  More than half of Wallonia’s…
  • Annual road tax is charged for vehicles that are used to transport passengers or goods by road. The tax is calculated based on engine power, which is expressed as horsepower, the number of engine…