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22 results found
  • The purpose of this certificate is to prove the hygiene status of your establishment. The FASFC (Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain) monitors food safety. The agency issues…
  • Are you starting out in farming? Are you taking over a farm in Wallonia? Do you want to apply for regional or European aid for your farming activity? Farmers in Wallonia must apply for a partner…
  • Tax on automatic entertainment machines (abbreviation: T.A.A.D.) is an annual tax for all automatic machines that are installed in a publicly accessible location and intended for entertainment. The…
  • Are you a conventional production company? As part of your manufacturing process, are you aware that you may obtain residue that you can recycle? You can seek recognition or registration (if…
  • Are you a forest owner in Wallonia? As a public or private owner, you can have your forest certified, irrespective of the surface area of your property.  More than half of Wallonia’s…
  • Are you a certified laboratory for waste analysis or a road or waste management design office? Do you want to collect waste samples? In Wallonia, you must be an organisation registered by the…