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15 results found
  • The Walloon region is authorised to collect road tax, which is due for all steam or motor vehicles and their trailers. In terms of tax, these vehicles are divided into two main categories: “automatic…
  • Are you a construction company or a farmer? Register as a waste recovery company. The benefit? Registration allows you to avoid applying for an environmental permit. Registration is in fact…
  • Are you a manufacturer, a farmer or a painting company? Your professional activities undoubtedly generate hazardous waste.  In Wallonia, any company that generates hazardous waste in the course…
  • Are you a conventional production company? As part of your manufacturing process, are you aware that you may obtain residue that you can recycle? You can seek recognition or registration (if…
  • Does a soil management expert ask you to collect soil or groundwater samples for a soil survey? Have you been asked by an Expert or an Authorised Installation (AI) for soil storage or processing to…
  • Do you run a garage or a body shop in Wallonia? Your professional activities undoubtedly generate hazardous waste.  In Wallonia, any company that generates hazardous waste must declare this fact…