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6 results found
  • Are you a certified laboratory for waste analysis or a road or waste management design office? Do you want to collect waste samples? In Wallonia, you must be an organisation registered by the…
  • Do you want to reduce the cost of your organisation's energy bills? As a company, are you trying to reduce your negative impacts on the environment and improve your environmental performance on an…
  • In Wallonia, certain businesses can help employers to find the right candidate for a position and help job-seekers to access the labour market. They must obtain official authorisation in order to do…
  • The theory test assesses your knowledge of the highway code and your ability to perceive hazards. During the test, you will be asked 50 multiple-choice questions concerning the following : - road…
  • Are you a forest owner in Wallonia? As a public or private owner, you can have your forest certified, irrespective of the surface area of your property.  More than half of Wallonia’s…
  • Are you starting out in farming? Are you taking over a farm in Wallonia? Do you want to apply for regional or European aid for your farming activity? Farmers in Wallonia must apply for a partner…