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13 results found
  • The deceased may choose one of the following options: Burial of the remains in a vault (with the granting of a concession) or in the ground (with or without a concession); Cremation, followed by…
  • An IDESS is an approved structure that offers local services (small DIY jobs, gardening) and services intended for at-risk individuals (social taxi, laundry and retail services) to individuals living…
  • The Snow Plan for regional roads is in place between 15 October and 15 April every year. This plan is managed by the Road Action Unit (CAR). This comprises the Regional Crisis Centre (CRC-W), the…
  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stipulates that SPW must allow you to find out whether your personal data is being processed. You have information about any processing carried out by…
  • The practical test takes place after completing the lessons that are taken after passing the theory test. In Wallonia, three learning pathways available : 1. Driving school pathway – This pathway…
  • The EPBC indicates the energy performance of a building using several indicators (energy class, primary energy consumption, renewable energy, CO2, etc.) and contains recommendations for improvement.…